Know Your Customer


Face Similarity

Calculates the degree of similarity between 2 face images. Used to verify one’s identify based by matching 2 faces, with 3 easy steps!

Step 1

Using eVision OCR to extract photo from eKTP

Step 2

Capture your face using your smartphone

Step 3

Percentage of face similarity will be displayed


Liveness Detection

Checks if the submitted photo is taken live, not from a pre-recorded video, printed photo, or 3-D mask. We detect 4 type of movements with sound to mitigate against spoof attack. All the process done in mobile device, not in server.


Step 1

Prepare your eKTP

Step 2

User is guided to take picture of eKTP

Step 3

Processed using our deep learning machine trained specially on Indonesia ID Card (eKTP)

Step 4

The engine utilizes deep learning to obtain data from image

Step 5

Compares face from ID Card (eKTP) with user’s selfie

Products of Inergi eVISION

Optical Character Recognition

Extracts information from images of e-KTP, NPWP, analog kWH meter, or Invoices to automate the data input process

See Detail

Know Your Customer

Verifies user’s identity using facial recognition and liveness detection.

See Detail

CCTV Video Analysis
(Video Processing)

Analyzes video streams for surveillance purposes using your existing CCTV.

See Detail

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Komp. Aldiron Hero Block C No. 9 – 10
Jakarta Barat